Shards of information, sometimes of a personal nature. Learn more about the artist, and what is going on in his life. Bits and bobs from around the studio.
Art is not created in a vacuum and the studio news gives you a window into what is happening while the kiln is firing and the solder is cooling. Want to learn more about what goes into the business side of things? Where we will be, and what we will be doing? Then this is the place to keep an eye on.
2018 Albuquerque Tomato Fiesta – August 26
Please join us at the 12th Annual Tomato Fiesta on August 26, 2018 from 11 am to 3 pm. It will be held at the Albuquerque Garden Center at 10120 Lomas Blvd. NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112.
We will have a vendor booth (tent) at this family-friendly Fiesta. Lots of tomatoes, tasting, sales, seminars and clinics. Free kids’ activities, live music by the Alpha Blue Trio, lunch and lots more.
Everything’s a Fiesta in New Mexico! See you there.
Thank you to all who attended the reception on May 4, 2018, in person or in spirit. I met a lot of people and was very happy hearing the comments about my glass pieces. I love creating and it’s always very interesting and humbling to hear other’s opinions.
A special thank you to Sidney Mallard, owner of The Next Best Thing to Being There, for hosting the reception.
The next best thing to Being There